Literacy Programs
View Purpose and Contact Information Below:

United Way of Greater Atlanta Homework Diner
Ella Davis- Project Manager |
Vanessa Milton - Part-time contract worker |
Purpose: To assist students with homework and to raise literacy level for student in
PreK-5th grade by focusing on reading comprehension and basic math skills
Contacts Protip Biswas Vice President Homeless &
Place Based Initiatives Emmie Dejene
Homelessness/Community Engagement United Way of Greater Atlanta
SPARC Joy Monroe Director
Single Parent Alliance & Resource Center
Ariel Monroe
Community Outreach Coordinator SPARC
Richard L. Stephens II, MBA –Dekalb County District Family & Engagement
Locations: All locations contact Richard Stephens, Family Engagement Dekalb County & Emmie Dejene
Peachcrest Elementary
N. H. Scott Rec Center
Hills @ Farrington Apartments
Terraces @ Parkview Apartments
Stoneview Elementary Pop up HW Diner
Jolly Elementary
Tutoring McNair DLA – Barbara Flanigan Project Manager
Purpose: To assist to improve literacy readiness for Pre-K and first grade students
Carolyn Jones Tutor
Cynthia Carter Tutor
Barbara Flanigan Tutor
Mr. Shaun Wells – Principal Mr. Shaun Wells
SDIA Assists with Literacy Night, Math Night & STEM Night
Other contacts: Sonya Searcy Teacher
Cynthia Woodard Teacher
Other Tutoring – Virtual - AS needed with Apartment complexes and their tenants, currently Farrington Apts. And Parkview Apts. uder the management of Mercy House
Summer Literacy Program Dekalb County School System
Coordinators Ella Davis: /Stewart Scott: & Cynthia Carter
Purpose: To provide student tutors to support teachers in the classroom to improve student’ literacy skills and assist students to prepare for the next grade level K-5thgrade
School Contacts varies each year
DeKalb Partners for Early Learning (DPEL) - Carol Crumby/Ella Davis SDIAE Coordinators
Decatur Book Festival for Pre- K Students
Purpose: To celebrate early literacy for Pre-K students, provide books for classrooms and learning materials and books for Pre-K students
McNair DLA Mr. Shaun Wells
Peachcrest Elem Dr. Shelia Nelloms
Flatshoals Elem Mrs. Laconduas Freeman
Columbia Elem Dr. Raymond E. Stanley
Contacts: Pamela Ross | PLR Consultants Training & Technical Assistance/Partners Advancing Childhood Education (PACE) Consultant Administered by Smart Education – The United Way of Greater Atlanta